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mandag 25. oktober 2010

Why shall we not blog?

After WW1 many british soldiers suffered from "Shell Shock", called today post-traumatic stress syndrom. This meant they could no longer work as humans in the same way they could before, much less as soldiers. In the early 90's bloging became more and more common for people who suffered from this terribly wrecking disease. They felt they had to share their thoughts with the rest of the world, and as some of them had a talent for music they made a genre called Emo. This has later been connected to the lifestyle and, first early in the 90's, as bloggers. Bloggers are parasites feeding on the free principles of the internet and the modern community in an ocean of possibilities. Why shall we never blog about our lives? Because it's emo. To be emo, seen from this angle, is baaaaad. It is damaging to the human race and invades the right of privacy and the law allowing free speech. Please don't misunderstand: to be emo is not negative. To be a bloger is. Sharing your inner thoughts and experiences with the rest of the world is damaging and abusive to the structures of this well-built country, and the principles and constitution our forfathers founded as basis for us and the Norwegian people.

Please understand the hidden conspiracy we are exposed to as a attempt of revolution, and a coup. We must face this growing threat and insanity with courageous hearths and clear minds. Stand together and we shalth stand victorious!

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